LIFESTYLE | 14 Feb 2022 | 30 Views

According to a Stanford University professor, Dr. James Fries, most illnesses are chronic and occur near the end of life. If the onset of these chronic illnesses could be delayed, then the healthy time saved could lessen the burden of illness over a person's lifetime. The idea is to maximize healthy lifespan and minimize the time spent less than well to achieve healthy aging and longevity.

A 12-year morbidity study on 418 adults concluded that people with fewer risk factors experienced less health decline than people with more risk factors. In other words, age-related morbidity can be reduced and postponed with healthier lifestyles. The strategy is to stay active, and adopt a healthier lifestyle earlier as a preventive measure to decrease the burden of disease and associated risk factors.

Preventive measures can be applied
at all stages across a person’s lifespan and along a disease spectrum
to prevent further health & wellness decline.

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