LIFESTYLE | 14 Feb 2022 | 28 Views

Children imitate their parents, so it’s important to set a good example. Make smart choices for your children that can help them be healthy and happy.

Why Is Healthy Lifestyle Important?

For Children
Eating healthy food helps children get the nutrients their bodies need to stay healthy, active, and strong. Children develop their eating patterns early in life. These early years are an opportunity for you to teach them healthy habits that will stay with them as they get older.

For Teenagers
Youth will form lifelong opinions and habits in their teens. They become increasingly responsible and develop decision-making skills. A healthy lifestyle will help to develop a positive feeling about their changing bodies and nurture their self-confidence as they grow to become more independent.

Well3 Royal Jelly Vita C
• Enhances defense system
• Fortified with pure royal jelly for added nutrition
• Promotes healthy gum & teeth
• Easier & better absorption

Well3 Royal Honey
• Gives children energy
• Contains essential vitamins & minerals
• Promotes healthy skin
• Promotes good sleep

Well3 IgMax
• Colostrum from healthy cows
• Enhances body's immunity
• Stimulates growth & development
• Enriched with Omega-3 to enhance brain development & eyesight